Congratulations Danielle Foisy, FASAE, CASE, TMS Transportation Management Services – Star of the 2nd Quarter 2021!
To recognize members who have given that “extra effort” as an active member of our chapter, the Member Recognition team established the “PCMA Volunteer of the quarter” a few years ago.
Danielle is a part of the Professional Development Committee; however, she stepped outside of the Professional Development Committee realm to take on a special project that technically falls under Membership and benefits the entire chapter.
Because of the impact that COVID 19 had on our chapter’s finances last year, Chapter Leaders had a special brainstorming session designed to develop additional revenue streams which had suffered greatly from the loss of face-to-face events and the loss of membership during the pandemic. From that meeting, Danielle stepped up to the plate to lead the Chapter’s efforts in developing and organizing our monthly Mix ‘n Trivia events. She tirelessly led this project in a time of great need and her efforts were hugely beneficial to the Chapter’s finances. Danielle’s efforts brought in the much need revenues as well as the critically needed outlet for fun networking during a time when we could not gather face-to-face.
Developing the Mix ‘n Trivia event went above and beyond what the Chapter originally planned to do. It was done quickly and effectively in order to be nimble and respond creatively during the pandemic.
Congratulations, Danielle on being awarded the PCMA Capital Chapters Second Quarter 2021 shining Star!
Thanks a Latte to the following:
Each quarter, all chapter committees are asked to nominate a volunteer for this quarterly award. Congratulations, and thank you to the following nominees of the 1st quarter. Each will receive a “Thanks a Latte” Starbucks card.
- Jennifer Sullivan, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp. (Professional Development Committee)
- Rebecca Kane, CMP, DES, U.S. Grains Council (Communications Committee)
- Sandy Yi-Davis, Seafood Nutrition Partnership, (Government Relations and Advocacy Committee)