
Emerging Professionals Mentorship Program

The Trust Partners Mentorship Program is designed to bring experienced industry professionals together emerging professionals (students, young professionals, or any members new to the industry), to foster professional growth. Mentors and protégé’s are paired based on similar industry interests.

Who is a Mentor?

A mentor is a trusted and experienced advisor who has an interest in the development of an emerging professional or students coming into the meetings industry or any members new to the industry. Mentors have experience in the meetings industry and are willing to share their knowledge. Mentors should be open and supportive and willing to provide honest feedback.

Mentors must be PCMA members to participate in the Trust Partners Mentorship Program.

Benefits to the Mentor:

  • Establishes a trusted relationship with an emerging professional
  • Allows the mentor to share knowledge and foster the protégé’s professional growth
  • Enhances the mentors coaching and listening skills
  • Opens the mentor to new perspectives and approaches

Who is a Protégé?

A protégé is a student or emerging professional with five (5) years or less in the industry, and/or someone brand new to the industry. A protégé should be open to suggestions, praise, and criticism, and willing to learn from his or her mentor.

Students need not be PCMA members to participate in the Trust Partners Mentorship Program.

Benefits to the Protégé:

  • Compliments the protégé’s ongoing formal study/training and/or development activities
  • Receives encouragement and support to achieve his or her goals
  • Allows the protégé to demonstrate his or her strengths and explore his or her potential
  • Opens the protégé to new perspectives and approaches

How much time is required?

Each participant will get out as much as they put into the partnership. Everyone is busy, but in the end making time to invest in the relationship will pay off for both the mentor and protégé. Remember the quality of communication is more important than the quantity.


  • Complete a “Confidentiality & Mentorship Agreement” Form
  • Commit to participate a minimum of three (3) months
  • Establish a guideline for frequency of communication
    • e.: Lunch once per month, (1) 15 min. phone or video call per week, emails periodically, etc.
  • Establish a preferred style of communication
    • e.: Email, phone, video, in-person meetings
  • Set a regular time to communicate
    • e.: Every Friday afternoon by phone, Lunch the first Wednesday of each month, etc.
  • Optional in-person meet-up: Attend PCMA events together
    • This allows the protégé to grow his or her network and become more involved

How do I get started?

Sign up today by completing the mentorship program self-assessment form and you will be contacted once you have been matched.

Mentor Self-Assessment Form                    Protégé Self Assessment Form             

Questions: Please email Jerome Bruce & Deanita Davis at [email protected].
