Chapter News

Global Diversity Awareness Month: A Work of Art

Article by: April Russell, Director of Sales, Georgia World Congress Authority

Picture yourself as a child. If you had to think of an activity you enjoyed during childhood that most of your peers did too, there’s a decent chance coloring with crayons lands somewhere on the list.

Let’s think a little further about the concept of crayons. They come in various shades, all gathered in a box with one common goal: to add color and character to paper (or walls if you were an adventurous kid!) and create art.

As one considers coloring with crayons, you can certainly use one color to create your artwork. It would be perfectly fine and considered acceptable. But what if you colored with various crayons of different hues? Your perfectly fine art is now more visually interesting, showcases depth, and is much more vibrant and inspiring.

This is the impact diversity has on companies, organizations, friend groups, and any other collective of people. Sure, we could opt to be around only those who look, act, and think just like us, but we’d be limiting ourselves from reaching our full potential. It’s so important that we consider how creating diverse groups can result in creativity and productivity beyond our wildest dreams.

Here’s to celebrating how diversity can fuse the world together to create a beautiful work of art.

nmbevangelistaGlobal Diversity Awareness Month: A Work of Art