According to National Geographic, “navigation is the art and science of determining the position of a ship, plane or other vehicle, and guiding it to a specific destination.” Years ago, during a long road trip, drivers would rely on an old-fashioned road map to get them cross country. Nowadays, we rely on GPS to give us “turn by turn” instructions to guide us to our destination. The principles are the same though in which we rely on data to get us from one position to another.
At the PCMA Capital Chapter, it is time to update our data to help us get to our desired destination. To update our data, the Chapter will be sending out a member survey. The last time the Chapter conducted a member survey was back in 2018. Much has changed since 2018 and it is critical to our mission to better understand your needs and preferences. As this will guide plans for our communications and programming in the future, it is critical we hear from you. To help incent you, we will draw for a few prizes for those that complete the survey!
With the member survey, we have one eye looking to the future, but we also have another eye looking at the present at our upcoming annual, Celebrate! Event at the Westin D.C. City Center on Monday, November 28. Celebrate! is our time to honor our superstar volunteers and honor the accomplishments we have achieved together as a Chapter. During this tumultuous year we do have much to celebrate from timely and engaging programming to our annual GMID event, our community service projects, our Chatter and Capital Pulse e-news, creative social media campaigns, outreach to our emerging professionals, our incredible sponsors that have supported us all year, and of course our volunteers, committee chairs and co-chairs and Board Members that made all of this possible. I am so grateful for every volunteer’s time. I hope you will join me in celebrating their accomplishments.
My GPS is telling me we are nearly at our destination for the year. It does not seem so long ago we started this road trip in Las Vegas at our Chapter reception during Convening Leaders. During the past few months, the scenery during the trip has been amazing and the company in the car with our leaders, volunteers and members have been fun and engaging. We have a few more miles to go before we pull up to our destination. I hope to see you at our few remaining road stops along the way.
Marcus Eng, CMP, DES | 2022 PCMA Capital Chapter President