Spring Back to Business

Omni Shoreham Hotel 2500 Calvert St NW, Washington, DC

What do two of the best business events industry organizations have in common?  Amazing members who will now have a chance to get to know each other in a new and innovative way.


Hyatt Regency New Orleans 601 Loyola Ave, New Orleans, LA

PCMA EduCon 2022 will be hosted at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans on June 5–8, 2022, and streaming LIVE from wherever you call home.


The Westin, D.C. City Center 400 M St NW, Washington, DC

Volunteers like you selflessly give their time to serve the Chapter and its members. Join the PCMA Capital Chapter as we CELEBRATE! our volunteers, our members and our Chapter. We want to thank you for all you do to support our industry with a night of recognition and celebration! On site registration is available. Venue:

Virtual Lunch & Learn: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Contracts

2022 is coming to an end and maybe so are all of our rebook contracts. As we are now contracting for the future and looking ahead, what can and should we do to prepare and protect our events? Join us for the December 6 Virtual Lunch & Learn where we’ll work to explore what’s new

2023 All Access Pass

The 2023 All Access Pass includes education and networking events in 2023, and is 25% in savings on PCMA Capital Chapter events! IN-PERSON registration Two (2) Sparkler events Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID) One (1) Spark event Two (2) Networking events Annual Meeting and Awards VIRTUAL registration Three (3) Lunch and Learns A registration code

2023 PCMA Capital Chapter Reception

Nationwide Arena 200 West Nationwide Boulevard, Columbus

Join your PCMA Capital Chapter friends and colleagues for our annual reception! You will have an opportunity to network with old and new friends at the beautiful Hyatt Columbus.

SWING into 2023

Swingers 1330 19th Street NW, Washington, DC

Come SWING into the new year with a PCMA Capital Chapter networking event at Swingers in DC! Are you looking for a way to get more involved within the chapter? Is there a committee you would like to learn more about? Are you ready to try out a new committee? Are you ready to step

Virtual Lunch & Learn: Demystifying Data Analytics

Date: Thursday, February 23, 2023 Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Event data collection has jumped up significantly in the last few years - as technology platforms and resulting attendee experiences have exploded. This session will discuss the power of data collection for event organizers, and spell out the steps to get started today. No

August Spark: State of the Industry

State of the Industry: Past, Present, and Future August Spark August 22, 2023 | 1:30 - 6:30 p.m. Alexandrian Old Town Join us for the PCMA Capital Chapter August Spark as we guide you through the current State of the Industry: Past, Present, and Future. Past: We turned quickly to virtual events during the Pandemic,

Martha’s Table – PCMA Capital Chapter Community Service Activity

Join the PCMA Capital Chapter Community Services Committee for an afternoon of giving back during a Martha’s Table Markets event. We will be volunteering in-person on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 from 1 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Volunteers should dress comfortably (jeans, t-shirts and sneakers) as you'll be assisting in the distribution of fresh produce including

2024 All Access Pass

The 2024 All Access Pass includes education and networking opportunities in 2024, and is more than 25% in savings on PCMA Capital Chapter events! IN-PERSON registration Two (2) Sparkler events Global Meetings Industry Day (GMID) One (1) Spark event Two (2) Networking events Annual Meeting and Awards VIRTUAL registration Three (3) Lunch and Learns A