Congratulations Lynn Whitehead, National Sales Director, Citywide Conventions, San Diego Tourism Authority – Star of the 1st Quarter, 2021!
To recognize those who have given that “extra effort” as an active member of our chapter, the Member Recognition team established the “PCMA Volunteer of the Quarter”.
Lynn joined the Communications Committee this past August in the heart of pandemic and as a new committee member, jumped in with both feet. She has consistently volunteered to write an article for every Chatter issue since she joined the committee. In Q1 2021, she tackled full page topic features for both Jan/Feb and March/April issues. The content of Lynn’s articles is timely and relevant to members. Her efforts to collaborate across committees ultimately will result in more member exposure in the Chatter.
In addition to her editorial contributions, Lynn stepped up to liaise with the Marketing Committee and joined the Marketing Committee to be able to fully embrace the collaborative role. She’s proactively spear-headed streamlining the social media post request process to improve efficiency and minimize workload for both committees. Lynn stays in constant communication with the committee chairs, is committed to making a difference and holds herself to incredibly high standards of performance.
Congratulations, Lynn on being awarded the PCMA Capital Chapter Q1 shining Star!
Thanks a Latte to the following:
Each quarter, all chapter committees are asked to nominate a volunteer for this quarterly award. Congratulations, and thank you to the following nominees of the 1st quarter. Each will receive a “Thanks a Latte” Starbucks card.
- Greg Morris, Destinations International, PDC Committee
- Matt Keim, Omni OKC, Marketing Committee
- Lisa French, Hilton Cleveland, Government Relations and Advocacy Committee